Drone inspections can save your company a lot of time and expense. Installing scaffolding, for example, takes a lot of time. The tops of bridges and piperacks are easier to inspect than with conventional methods. Installations do not have to be taken out of service during an inspection making this method much more efficient. Safety increases dramatically by not having to deploy personnel in dangerous situations or environments.

You can hire us to perform inspection flights with an RPAS drone, this package includes the application for a flight at DGLV, the rental of a professional drone adapted to the nature of the inspection and the rental of a pilot with a cameraman and the necessary insurance. If you require an inspection with a fully detailed inspection report, we work closely with IVT inspections NV for this.

Our pilots are VCA certified and hold the necessary licenses to conduct Class 1A high-risk flights.

VCA certificate

Indoor drone inspection
Inspection of buildings and facades
Storm damage - Fire damage
Wind turbine blades
Water towers
Roof inspection
Thermographic inspection of piperacks
Flare tip inspection
Solar panel inspection
Internal inspection of storage tanks
Inspection of bridges and viaducts
Gutter Inspection
Towers and chimney inspection
GSM mast inspection
High Voltage Mast Inspection


*RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System)